PSHE Intent

PSHE at the Triple Crown is designed to encourage students’ curiosity, independence, resilience, self-esteem, risk management, teamwork, critical thinking, knowledge and awareness through three main themes: health and wellbeing, relationships (RSE) and living in the wider world (including economic wellbeing and careers education). Our curriculum offers a place where difficult questions can be addressed within a safe but challenging context. It provides opportunity for students to learn about, understand, discuss and debate different world-wide topics such as relationships, drugs and alcohol, peer pressure, gangs, crime and punishment, extremism, and the influence of social media.

PSHE provides students with opportunities to reflect on their own beliefs, values, understanding and develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives both now and in the future.

The curriculum is also enriched by PSHE days which are devised around a particular theme and include workshops, drama productions and guest speakers.

RE Intent

“The unexamined life is not worth living.” — Socrates.

At The Triple Crown Centre, students will learn about different religious beliefs, values, practices and consider the similarities and differences between them. They will understand how major world religions and worldviews are lived out locally and globally, and how they impact society, culture and the wider world.

The curriculum is designed to encourage curiosity, empathy, creativity, imagination, critical thinking enquiry, debate, discussion and independent thought. It introduces students to consider philosophical and ethical questions around values, purpose and meaning. Students reflect on current moral issues which encourages contemplation of their own philosophical, spiritual and moral convictions.

The curriculum is also enriched by workshops and guest speakers during diversity days giving students the opportunity to see beyond their own cultural experiences, and appreciate and appraise varied dimensions, beliefs and practices of religions and worldviews.

Links to long term overviews:
