Information for Parents / Carers
Parent Careers information
Here at the Triple Crown Centre, we are committed to working within the Gatsby Benchmarks and see your child as an individual.
We have careers programme that supports your child to explore options after school, develop skills and ensure your child experiences a range of opportunities to leave them ready for their next steps. At Triple Crown Centre our aim is to work with you to ensure that your child gets the best support on their career path to a bright future.
We work on careers education as part of Solihull Careers Hub ( and are supported by an Enterprise Adviser (Lydia Hamilton-Smith) and an Enterprise Coordinator (Maryam Nkemena). We also have a dedicated Careers link Governor (Daryl Clarke) who meets regularly with the head and other governors to provide governance for careers alongside all other aspects of school life.
Please find the details of the Careers programme in useful documents, this will give you a good overview of the experiences, information and support that your child receives whilst at the Triple Crown Centre with their career pathways and next steps. If you would like to get in touch with the Careers Leader please contact the school on 0121 709 0080 or
Useful resources for parents:
Information on T-Levels:
Information on Apprenticeships:
Careermag for Parents:
Labour market information and the local growth sectors:
Solihull-Parent-Guide-Interactive FINAL (PDF)
World Skills UK