Below is a link to the report from our recent Ofsted inspection (12th – 13th December 2019).
Ofsted rated us as Good.
I am absolutely delighted with the judgements made about The Triple Crown Centre, as it reflects the dedication and commitment of staff, the wonderful support we receive from parents and, most importantly, the way in which our students contribute so positively to all aspects of school life as demonstrated in their attitudes, behaviour and results they achieve.
Indeed, I cannot praise our young people enough for the way in which they conducted themselves during the two days of inspection. They were a credit to themselves, the school and to you as parents/carers.
The new Ofsted framework (as from September 2019) represents a considerable drive to raise standards for students in all schools across the country and it is now significantly harder to achieve the higher judgements.
I welcome these new aspirations and, alongside this, feel even more proud of everyone involved in ensuring The Triple Crown Centre achieved the success our staff and students deserve.
Thank you, to you as parents/carers for your ongoing support.
The report can also be found here: https://reports.ofsted.gov.uk/inspection-reports/find-inspection-report/provider/ELS/104038