Travel Assistance

Travel Assistance is provided for the students who meet the criteria set out by the LA.

You can find out more information along with the Home to School Travel Assistance Policy for Pupils from Reception to Year 11 on the Solihull Council website here.

Parents and students must follow the Code of Conduct which will be provided when travel assistance is offered.

The taxi company is instructed to take students to a designated address; they will not transport students to any other destination. If alternative arrangements are needed, this should be at the request of the student’s parent/carer and is at the discretion of the Head Teacher.

It is the responsibility of Parents to liaise with the taxi company.  In the event of any absence from school parents should ensure they arrange the cancellation of any transport directly.

The contact numbers for the transport companies are below.

Direct Taxis: 0121 677 4444 / 07971977888

VIP Executive Travel: 0121 716 1519 / 07856414151


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